Trailer Dreams: A Night Before Christmas Adventure

It was the night before Christmas.
Well, that’s what it feels like.
Tomorrow we get our trailer and I am on cloud nine right now.
We dropped the kids off at my parents trailer
so they slept over for the night
while Kim and I ran some last minute errands with Aila
as we have an appointment early in the morning to pick up the trailer.
And we are just so excited.
I haven’t had Pop Rocks in forever,
but I got these bins to organize the kids clothes
and then I’m just gonna keep it in their bedroom at the trailer
and constantly
just use these bins for when we travel to and from the trailer
so that I don’t have a bunch of different bags.
I was exhausted and really didn’t want to shower,
but I really had to because I put oil in my hair
and these self Tanner drops are the best.
I got them on Amazon. Um,
zero regrets. They are literally the best.
I always look like I wake up and I went on vacation.
It’s great. This body butter is from the States.
Not sure if it’s coming to Canada.
Anyways, we got her done.
We got the laundry done.
We got everything packed and I’m just so excited for tomorrow.
Stay tuned for the video of the trailer.