The Blown Out Candle: A Commentary on a Game-Changing Moment

He’s not a passer.
Oh, he got it.
Are you kidding me? And it stayed on.
It stayed on,
Chuck. Come on, Chuck.
He blew it out! Chuck,
he blew it out! Have you blown out of candle on the top of the brim?
That’s not. He didn’t blow that candle out.
Don’t even try it. Well,
we must see an instant replay cause only us at TNT has it now.
He goes up the. It’s still out.
He takes the ball. He.
He blew it out! He blew it out!
He blew it out! Chuck,
he blew it out! Chuck,
he blew it out! He blew it out!
Ha ha ha ha! Are you kidding me?
Oh, he actually blew it out. He blew it out.
Wow. That’s alright.
I like them. Oh,
I love it. That is incredible.
You see his lips right there? He’s blowing it out.