Triathlon Training and Unexpected Car Troubles: A Day in the Life

Last week,
someone decided to smash out my car windshield completely at random.
So my car has been in the shop.
It’s. It just got finished today,
so we’re gonna go pick it up.
And then in two days, I have my triathlon.
So I’m gonna use this as the opportunity
to do my final run before the race.
So we’re gonna go run to pick up the car.
I looked, and it’s about 3.7 miles,
so nothing crazy. That’s usually right around what I do,
so I felt like it was perfect.
I usually don’t run in the middle of the day,
so I didn’t put sunscreen on,
but it’s gorgeous out here.
The sun is shining,
and I am a little bit worried that I’m gonna get sunburned.
Stopping for traffic.
I probably about a mile and a half in at this point,
and I had a couple drinks last night,
and I’m definitely feeling the dehydration.
My mouth is so dry right now.
I tried to chug. Chug a bunch of water this morning,
but didn’t help. That’s on me.
But that Cove is so beautiful.
High tide right now. Steps. Oh,
there’s a. Oh, god. Ah!
It was a perfectly good sidewalk.
I don’t know why I had to go up the steps and, like,
a little creepy lot. I’m two and a half miles in.
This is usually the part where I’m either, like,
starting to lose it, and I really want to be done.
Or I’m like, oh,
I’m feeling great, let’s keep going.
But my stomach is starting to hurt a little bit
and I think it has to do with being dehydrated.
This last section here has been entirely uphill,
but. So the situation with my car,
when I first posted about it,
about my car being vandalized and all of that,
everyone was like, oh, well,
it’s just a windshield. At least insurance will pay for that.
insurance will not pay for that.
My insurance will not pay for that.
They call it a,
uh, comprehensive claim,
I think,
where it’s like something happened that was out of your control,
aka vandalism. So I still have to pay my deductible for that,
which is $750.
People are also like, oh,
it’ll be so easy,
they can come right out and just replace your windshield.
They can do it in a day. And they could have
but my arms getting tired.
But the thing is, is my car
because they throw a rock at it.
The rock then bounced off of the hood of my car as well
and left a bunch of paint chips
all on the paint on the hood of my car.
So because of that, I couldn’t just take it and get the glass replaced.
I had to take it to a collision center
so that they could do both of the things
cause it’s easier with insurance that way.
So it has taken over a week
To get this repair done. I’ve been without a car since last Thursday.
Huh. Great.
We’ve got another hill. We made it.
Okay. You could sign that one.
Okay. Cheaper deductible,
warranty on the work. I’m so happy to have my car back.
I miss Aspen so much. We’ve got a whole brand new windshield.
I also had a couple of paints guys on the top.
I thought I was gonna have to bring it back for them to fix the paint,
but they just buffed it right out,
so I don’t have to bring it back.
She is mine for good now. Hopefully nothing else happens.
I’ll put my stats here from this run for Strava for anyone that cares.
I think it was around 3.8 miles.
But I am also feeling very ready for this triathlon on Sunday.
And now I can actually drive there because I have my car.