Snot Spray Surprise: A Runaway Run-In

I was running on the street here for a little
because the sidewalk was crowded,
and I was trailing behind this guy because,
I mean, this is.
We were at a similar pace,
but I wasn’t directly behind him.
I was kind of off to the side of him
so that he potentially see me in his peripheral.
This dude blows his nose, blows his nose full on into his hand.
It sprays all over me, like, miss!
The reaction is just scream, hello! Haha!
Oh, I don’t know what it is, haha,
but okay. Anyway,
I freaking got sprayed by this man. Snot.
Clearly he didn’t know I was there.
Or maybe he did and he just wanted to put me in the splash zone.
That’s nice. I need to get home, shower ASAP.