Mastering the Art of Pricing: Leveraging High-Ticket Offers for Profit and Success

The only thing worse than making a thousand dollar offer
to somebody with a hundred dollar budget
is making a hundred dollar offer
to someone with a thousand dollar budget.
Because in the first scenario,
you lose a hundred bucks. In the second scenario,
you lose 900 dollars of the money that you should have made but didn’t.
I Learned about this from a friend of mine.
He said, listen man,
you can just put something on your menu of items or services
that you sell that’s 10 or 100 times more expensive.
Just make it something that if someone actually bought it,
you’d be stoked that they did.
You’ll sell more people on your core offer
because they have this big price anchor.
Second, it allows you to nudge up your main offer’s price
because related to the big one,
it looks like almost nothing.
I was talking to a different friend of mine and I said, hey,
you know, you should consider just adding one of these things in.
And he had a weight loss business,
and so he added, uh,
a six times higher price version of his offer.
And then the craziest thing happened.
People started buying that more than his core offer.