Effortless Pesto Pasta Cooking with LA Morisana: Casarecci Perfection

The easiest pasta pesto you’re ever gonna make at home
hi guys, welcome to my LA Morisana video for this month
today I would like to highlight
two beautiful pastas that we have introduced
at only C s
fresh and Cold Storage so the two pastas are radicatore
which is a beautiful pasta very,
very unique shape and what does it look like?
A radiator that’s what it means
it’s basically an old industrial radiator
so that’s what the shape is meant to look like
so beautiful for holding all of those sauces inside
all of those lines and the other one
which today we’ll be cooking is casarecci
now this beautiful pasta is goes perfectly well with pesto
so we have basilico pesto,
basil and rosso red tomato
so today we cook with this because like I said
this pasta goes perfectly with pesto
because it will go entwine inside the groove
and you will see how it comes later
so let’s get cooking guys.
Okay guys so let me salt my pasta water as normal
always 2 tablespoons of salt into my pasta water
so I measured out 100 grams of the casarecci pasta
this pasta is probably one of the easiest you’re ever gonna make
because there’s nothing else to do
boil the pasta, mix it with the pesto
no cooking of the pesto sauce at all
like I’ve shown you many many times right?
You don’t cook pesto okay,
so let’s put that into our boiling Water
this pasta takes exactly 11 minutes so let’s just stir that
put on our timer
as we’re not going to finish cooking the pasta in the sauce
because it’s pesto so no cooking
cook it exactly 11 minutes okay
it’ll be beautiful al dente and then I just show you how you combine
k guys so how easy open the jar let’s put a nice I put two teaspoons,
I’m gonna put one more
I’m just gonna let it sit there and once the pasta is cooked
I’m just gonna put it in there and I’m gonna mix done
but you wanna put some cheese on top
you may now a lot of you gonna ask me chef there’s no protein
where’s the protein? Can I put protein into it?
Can I put meat into it? No,
in Italy we don’t cook that way
the pesto is meant to be just pesto
and please do not put chicken inside
because Italians do not eat chicken in pasta
and I know some of you will ask me
can I put chicken inside? The answer is no sorry,
please do not do that
now a lot of you don’t know what to use rosso for
not only for pasta but you can use other things
you could maybe dilute this down with olive oil
and have it for a dressing
maybe you want to make a sandwich,
mix it with some mayonnaise,
spread it over like that maybe you want To do some bruschetta,
add it on as a topping with some cheese,
maybe you want to mix it with some ricotta cheese.
So there’s quite a few different variations
of what you can do with pesto.
It’s not only for pasta. So this one is quite strong in flavour.
I will explain to you later
exactly how the difference between this and the basil one are okay
guys, let me know in the comments below
what else you want me to use this for.
K the pasta is ready cooked exactly for 11 minutes.
So I’m just gonna take that straight out and put them into my bowl
with my tomato pesto guys,
this is how simple it is to make pesto pasta.
Now I’ve done it purposely.
I put it into the bowl to showcase to you that you do not cook pesto.
So I’m not gonna put a pan anywhere near it
so you understand how this works.
Just from the heat of the pasta and it will just emulsify by itself.
Look at the pesto, it’s gonna stick all inside the pasta.
Pasta is just gonna take all of the pesto.
This is a proper pesto pasta.
So let me explain.
Let’s do our taste test.
The taste test of Roso Estor with Acaraje.
You know I love LA Morisana,
the aldente, you cook it exactly how it says on the packet
and it’s beautifully aldente,
smooth pasta, has texture to it.
Now the rosso tomato So it’s strong,
it is very strong. Okay,
you’re gonna have a little bit of the sourness
comes through on the back,
but the mildness of the rest of the pesto is there,
but you do get an initial hit of that sour of the tomato.
So for those of you who want to try this,
just bear in mind that flavour profile is definitely there.
You get a little bit of the basil that comes through
and just that tomato for you guys who love tomato,
you’re gonna enjoy this pesto sauce. Delicious.
So guys, these two pastas were launched in August by LA Morisana.
So I will definitely be doing ravioli.
I’ll make a nice pasta with that as well.
But you can now find them in CS,
Fresh and cold storage, limited only to cold storage and CS.
So go and try guys.
Let me see what you make with this beautiful fresco pesto.
So guys,
this jar of 190 grams can do easily four to five servings of pasta.
So I know I always say make your own pesto,
make your own pesto. Sometimes you just simply do not have enough time.
This is really, really convenient for you guys,
especially you busy mums out there.
Just come back, open a jar,
boil a pasta and it’s done.
Literally the time that it cooks the pasta,
that’s how long it’s gonna make you to make the dish.
So it’s really super fast,
so super convenient and The taste of Italy is there. So.