Title: The Money Test: Decoding Wealth Based on Finger Length

This is how you tell if a man has money.
Ooh, I am interested.
Please lift your hand, Chris.
Okay. Apparently,
according to a study,
if the man’s ring finger is longer than the index finger,
which is the pointer, so if this one.
Yeah, is longer than this one,
you got money.
Hello, ladies,
you don’t know. You don’t know why it’s going on.
Ha ha ha. Don’t,
don’t bother yourself. Ha ha,
don’t even look at it. Look at my hand. Ha.
It’s the same thing. Ha ha ha.
I don’t even know where she heard this thing from.
But one thing I know for sure,
a Ghanaian lady is never falling for this.
I’m telling you, if you like,
let your hand look like forklift,
they don’t care.
You gotta trust, man, man.
So you want to tell me that those begging by the roadside,
no one’s finger is looking like this?
