Jeremy’s Panera Bread Review: Soup, Salad, and Chips

I’m Jeremy. And today we’re gonna see if Panera can redeem themselves.
We got a half a salad, some chips,
some soup and a bread bowl and a little topper.
Red Bull soup, chips and a salad.
$18 Panera.
we got a soup I have never had from there before.
A Mexican corn chowder. Into the bread bowl we go.
And it comes with some tortilla strips.
Obviously you use a bread to test it.
I’m surprised. That’s pretty good.
Has a little sweetness to it from the corn,
a little heat. It’s multi dimensional.
It’s not just one note. And the bread at Panera Bread is good.
Crunchies on there.
I’m happy with that. That’s a good soup.
We’ll call that a 7 on the soup scale.
I got some more of the chunks,
some of the corn and peppers that are in there.
That’s a good soup in a bread bowl.
That’s probably a decent sized meal.
We will try the chips,
but very crispy. We will dip those in the soup too. Why not
normal kettle cooked chips?
These are a 7. I don’t think there’s anything extraordinary about them,
but they are what they say they are.
Onto the salad. This is a Mediterranean greens with chicken salad.
There’s like a pharaoh something, grain,
some chicken, feta, cucumbers,
some peppers, hummus,
some type of Greek dressing,
I think onions, lettuce.
It’s a pretty small salad for seven or eight dollars.
Whatever this side of the. You Pick two is.
I’ll mix it up a little,
bite a little bit of everything.
It’s a light vinaigrette.
It works really well with the toppings that are already on there.
The hummus is a nice addition.
Same with the. The Pharaoh and the other grain.
The taste is good. Very light,
very refreshing. It’s good,
but just. I don’t feel like that’s what I should be getting for.
That’s seven or eight dollars at this part of the.
You pick two costs Panera.
It’s a. It’s a 5.2. Again,
the food’s not bad, but the value isn’t there.