Backstage Banter with Sky McCreery: On Teleprompter Reading, New Music, and Reduced Fat Cheez-its

Tonight here with Sky Mccreery.
Do you know what you’re gonna say when you’re presenting?
I’m just hoping my voice doesn’t crack.
I don’t trip. Like,
that’s all I’m thinking about.
How’s your teleprompter reading?
Like, is that.
Is that you have that skill down?
I was just born in the fire of TV and cameras,
and so, uh,
That’s true. I feel pretty good about it.
But you never. Until you get out there,
you don’t know. You don’t know.
Have you rehearsed it yet?
Like, were you there yesterday running it,
or do they just wing it? You just go up and do it?
No, I don’t think I’ve got all that much to say,
so I said I’ll just read it before I go.
And so who knows what’s gonna happen?
That they could put anything on that teleprompter,
and you’re gonna read it. I hope I don’t run burgundy yet,
but we’ll, we’ll see.
Yeah. Yeah,
you’re gonna be great. Okay.
How’s the kid doing? 18 months old, right?
Yeah, he’s doing great.
Is he on the road with you or just stay at home?
Yeah, he’s upstairs.
He’s with granddaddy. Wait,
he’s upstairs with granddaddy?
Yeah, he is.
Granddaddy wanted to come to the show,
but he’s stuck, dude.
No, he, uh,
changing diapers. He’s doing that.
But he’s thrilled. He.
He was so pumped to watch Avery,
so. Yeah,
it’s good. Dude,
that’s awesome. New music coming out.
What’s happening? Yeah.
Rise and fall is the new record, and, uh,
I’ve never loved an album more just for that I’ve made,
you know. Do you have to say that every album,
or is this one really special?
I mean, you always do.
Yeah, but of course,
this one, it just, uh.
I feel like I didn’t try anything.
I was just writing songs from the heart.
I wasn’t looking for anything
and turned out to be just a traditional country record,
top to bottom. I’d be happy with any of my singles.
Yeah, that’s always when you get the best record, right?
When you’re just not trying too hard,
just trying to what comes out you naturally.
Yeah. It’s no rules,
you know, just write what you write,
you know? This guy’s not following the rules.
There’s no rules here. No rules.
Yeah. Okay.
Hopefully I follow someone when I’m reading out there,
but we’ll see. No,
you’re gonna be great. Last question.
What’s the one thing on your rider that you can’t live without?
Um, one thing on the rider, I.
I, uh.
I put Reduced Fat Cheez its on there.
Reduced Fat Cheez its. For 13 years,
I’ve had that on there. And look at him.
He looks incredible. Well, well,
you know those reduced Fat Cheez its,
the reduced fats are hot take.
They are better than the originals. Really?
Originals are too buttery,
too soft. It’s got a crunch to them.
The crunch in the reduced fat Is what we’re going for.
Yeah. Who would have thought, right?
Less fat, more crunch.
Come on. Come on.
Scotty. Great to see you, brother.
Great to see you. Thanks for stopping by.
Absolutely. Good luck tonight.
Appreciate it. Thank you. Absolutely.