Residual Check Lottery: Breakfast Adventures in Providence, Rhode Island

Yeah, what’s up, German Dante Bosco for another episode of residual check lottery. Yeah, right now it’s like 7 something in the morning. I’m in province Rhode Island. I’ve been up since like 5:30 cuz we’ve been traveling a lot from the Philippines, LA, the year in Providency, speaking for a comic con, anime con. So shots wrote on anime con. But the thing is, I’m jet lag.

I’ve been up since 5,3 a. M. I’m hungry. I need some breakfast. And as you know, this is Brazil check lottery.

So we, we just these checks are something that come in my career that played on TV somewhere sometime and they send me a check and I was just these checks about what we can have for dinner or summer night. But since it’s the mornings, but I can have for breakfast or brunch right now. Province Rhode Island. Let’s check out a check. I am check out check.

Hopefully it’s something we can eat, something decent and province Rhode Island. Cuz I’m kind of hungry. I want something tasty. Like I got, I hear all the I am New England. Oh, and now we can’t do this. We need this 33 cents. Thirty three cents. I can’t do 33 cents.

33 cents. I gotta eat more than 33 cents. A matter of fact, after taxes is 21 cents. It was from something called the Raven Journey. I don’t even know what that is. The bra. The Raven journey. Give me 21 cents all these years later, 21 cent.

I need another check. I need another check. I need another check. Bam, let’s grab this check. Let’s see what’s going on right here. Let’s see what’s going on here at 21 cent. No, I need to eat breakfast. I can’t eat this one either.

What the heck? Alright, let’s check on these checks. I feed something of substance. Let’s, I don’t know about this check. Let’s check out this check.

And the check is for Bam. Okay. Okay. A classic gonna give me a decent breakfast, I think.

I mean, hey, this is for a movie I did call take the lead. Who saw take the lead? So I, yeah, that was that would take the lead man. I was a bunch of years ago, I don’t know, out of 10 a year was that. I can’t remember what year it’s coming is.

At least 10, maybe close to 20 now. I don’t, something like that. Shout out to Elijah and Jenna, my partners in the Three Way Tango.

Shout out the whole cast, particularly a very special cast to me, very special memories. LC, big B, rest and peace. Of course, my boy, Rob Brown, Yaya Decosta, I’m actually in Providency. Yaya went to brown. Always remember that. Yeah, yeah, she went to Brian University. I’m just right there.

Anyhow, yeah. Take the lead man, of course, starring the legendary Antonio Bendettes.

As far as memories, that particular scene, man, when memory shooting that scene, we were late at night. End, we’re going over the scene. I remember being late and meet me, Jenna and Elijah were like, you know, stressed for doing it. And our director Liz, chat to Liz Freelander Dragons film. And I remember telling them, you know, let’s do this.

Like this is, this is my grease. I was like, this is my grease. I grew up watching John Chabel to increase. One of the movies I watched hundred thousand times, maybe one of the movies that maybe wanna become an actor and that movies about singing and dancing. This was my turn to dance in a film.

I was a dancer before I was an actress. So to come back and dance in a movie was like a full circle for me in my career. And that particular scene was like my grease, you know, it was my grease.

And so if you haven’t seen tech the lead, go check out tech the lead, one of the favorite movies ever done. I got to finally dance in a movie. And has such a spectacular cast. Afriwood, she was amazing in the movie. NP. Marcus Polk. I’m, I keep thinking all these, all the homies in my mind and the special time you spent shooting this movie in Toronto.

So let’s get to the check here cuz I’m hungry. Gotta get some breakfast in Providence, Rhode Island. Bam. And from Warner Brothers all these years later, almost 20 years later, they give me thirty dollars and sixty two cents. $30,62% that’s plenty for breakfast. Too much maybe? I don’t know.

What does Providence have to offer you, man? Dante for little breakfast at 7 a. M. In the morning, 8 a. M. I don’t know what time it is in the morning. Proud to show. Let’s go check it out.

Yeah, so I came to Capital Hill, Tackorea province, Rhode Island, got something called the. Huevos, cabos de ajados, caboseados, red and green. Sauce, runny eggs, tortillas, steak, beans, festivals. I mean, let’s see the green, little red green tortillas. Will steak.

So good. Looking good.

1 point low red, low green. Runny egg residual check lottery. It’s again, province Rhode Island. Thank you so much.