Navigating the World of Investment Banking: A Nine-Year Reflection

so what do you do so I work in investing banking
nice how long you been doing that
about nine years
what’s been the best thing about the nine years that you’ve been working
investing banking what is the training
uh it prepares you for quite a lot
you go through a lot of training
especially through your analyst years
your associate years and then you have um
a lot of skills that you could
you know transfer to other
other places
what’s maybe the more difficult side around the role that people don’t see
we the hours are very tough sometimes um
people work uh
18 hour days yeah
hundred hour weeks literally no time to even take a shower sometimes
mind shame
roughly how much you make in investment banking
b salary uh
is £165,000 a year and you think you’re paid fairly for the work that you do
I’d say yes yeah
final question for me how can we make the world work better
um be human
spread love and be uh
be empathetic to us how to see us
yes I’ll say that
thank you for sharing your story
love you cheers bye