In Defense of Jenn: A Closer Look at The Bachelorette Season

look I love being a hater as much as anyone
but I think you guys are being too hard on Jenn
let’s be honest is this the best season of the Bachelorette
no but y’all are acting like this is the worst season
and I need y’all to be so for real for a second
think we can all see that Jenn is a little messy
she’s showing her insecurities
she’s picking the wrong men
but she’s a sweet person and she has trauma okay
and I see some of y’all saying oh
she makes not having a father figure her whole personality
well first off
many of you guys do that too
with your trauma as well and second off
let’s remember that the editing is a thing
and they always seem to have some sort of main point around the lead
that they highlight throughout the season
and the only reason I feel like we hear her talk about it a lot
is because she has to tell that trauma
to each new guy that she’s on a date with
like we’re tired of hearing it because we hear it at every single date
but she’s telling it for the first time to each of these guys
I also think it’s kind of interesting because I feel like this season
when people share their trauma
she relates to them and tells her side of it
but in previous seasons I feel like it’s just that meme where you’re just like
oh thank you for sharing
you’re so strong and then we really learn nothing about the lead
feel like because we’re hearing a lot more about Jenn
and the things that she’s insecure about and worried about
it’s a blessing and a curse
because on one hand we know her better and it feels more real
but on the other hand
it’s just more information for people to weaponize against her
do I agree with her choice of men
no but I’m not thrown off by her making these messy decisions
because those decisions are fun to watch
like did we forget that this show is for entertainment first
and not meant to be some sort of guide on how to be a girl boss queen
with everything figured out
no insecurities and super confident
did I think Sam m was a mess
yup but also
I didn’t mind having him around
because it was funny to clown all the shit that he said
I feel like it’s just been easier for people to continue piling on hate
because it had a rocky start to begin with
with all the drama of like
who was supposed to be the Bachelorette
and honestly her cringe answer to like
what kind of man you’re looking for
and she said a man with a big but
you know how they say that when you really don’t like something
everything that they do just becomes an additional annoyance
I think that’s what happened here
and I think we need to reel it back a bit
but let me know what you guys think