Keep Bugs at Bay with WD40: A 40-Year Secret Revealed

You’re telling me for 40 years,
y’all didn’t know about this?
Ain’t no way.
Take your WD40, spray it around your windows.
It’s gonna keep the bugs and the spiders away.
Used to, this garage stayed just covered in ants.
And mainly they would just stream in
because this is where we feed our outdoor cat.
And as soon as you put food down,
ants found it. And that’s until I seen Gator’s video
where you can take WD40 and spray.
We don’t have that problem anymore.
This is just regular WD40.
Spray it right along the door,
around the brick.
Spraying along through there keeps the ants away,
spiders. We even spray it around our windows.
And doing that, we don’t have any trouble with ants,
spiders, and little ladybugs and stuff getting in the windows.
Regular WD40, awesome.