Triple Music Release: Faccida, Mumbara, and Tanner – Join Martha Makissa for a TikTok Live!

Those that this love is no meant for me.
It’s meant for who? Hi guys.
It’s your girl, Martha Makissa
C Saga. And I’m here first of all to thank you guys for supporting me.
Secondly, I want to let you guys know that I have triple releases,
three songs that are out now.
I have a song called faccida.
Then I also have mumbara, no,
Mumbara, Ha ha,
Mumbara, Mumbara remix with Navio.
Oh, yeah.
And then I also have a song that is called Tanner.
So you can go on my TikTok
and tap on any of the three sounds that you love
and make a challenge. It’s beautiful music. It’s a
music for the soul. So you can enjoy it.
Then I also want to let you know that at nine PM,
yes, at nine PM,
I will be on my TikTok Live playing this music for you
so that we catch up on what you think of the new music. Right?
So I love you guys. Thank you for loving me.
Do not forget to listen to Facida,
Mumbara and Tanner.
Bye Mwah.