Social Media Inspiration: A Homemade Bologna and Egg Sandwich with a Side of Kool-Aid

Mama, sometimes I be sitting around the house
just scrolling through the social media internet,
and I be watching all these people make all this beautiful food
with all these beautiful ingredients.
And I get inspired and I say,
you know, I wanna make my own beautiful looking food.
So I. I went on in the kitchen and I open up the refrigerator,
and I. I pulled out my ingredients,
and I got me some Bologna,
and I got me some eggs,
and I got me some loaf bread with a little mayonnaise,
the must. And I went on ahead and fried my Bologna,
and I went on ahead and scrambled me some eggs,
and I went on ahead and toasted me some bread,
and I went on ahead and assemble my sandwich
with that Logan and that egg.
And I even put me some potato chips on there with some hot sauce.
And I cut my sandwich in half,
and I went on ahead and took a bite,
and I say, you know what?
I’m missing something. I’m missing me a nice tall glass of Kool Aid.
So I went on ahead and made me some Kool Aid.
And I. I sat there and enjoy my beautiful meal
that I was inspired to make by watching these people on the internet.