Impress Your Partner with Homemade Kimchi Jjigae: A Husband’s Guide

This is the husband’s guide on making easy meals
to impress your partner. Today we’re making kimchi jjigae.
I start with chopping up small pieces of pork belly in a pot,
then add garlic, and I’m gonna add about two cups of kimchi
and about half cup of kimchi juice.
Cook this on high heat for about five to 10 minutes.
Then I’m adding two cups of water.
For my toppings, I’m gonna be going with tofu,
adding some bonito soup base,
about one teaspoon of sesame oil,
and about one tablespoon of kochigaru if you want it spicy.
After simmering this for about 15 minutes,
I’m gonna top it off with green onions
and let it cook for another five minutes, and it should be ready.
That’s what I wanted. Wanted this one.
Not bad. Not bad.
What would you rate this one?
Don’t ask me.