Navigating the Complexities of Breeding and Adopting XL Bully Puppies: Insights and Realities of the Process

Let’s have a conversation.
Okay, look,
I’m gonna say this in the most nicest way possible,
the nicest way that I can feel that I can say it.
A lot of people hit me up about puppies, right?
Inquiring prices, my process,
and I get it. But I want y’all to understand something.
People don’t really start hitting me up until they see puppies.
Y’all know I breed. Y’all know I breed.
I think I post enough videos.
At least I think I do.
Before and after or letting you all know we got puppies coming soon.
With that being said, I do not discuss future litters.
I don’t. I just don’t.
When people hit me up, they hit me up because they see actual puppies.
Oh, the next time you breathe, right,
i’mma be. No,
you’re not. Do y’all know,
in four years I’ve ever had,
I’ve only had one person double back.
And let me tell you what I did to this one person that double backed.
I lowered my price drastically for this one person
because they were the only person that actually hit me up.
Some time ago, seeing that I had a litter and came back,
I remembered them. Their conversation
repop up from what I had it previously.
I gave that person a very,
very low price because they double backed.
A lot of y’all don’t double back.
So when you hit me up and say,
i’m looking for the future.
No, you’re not.
Cause half of them people don’t even come back around
the next time that I breathe.
And here’s how I know. I’ll be saving y’all’s messages just in case
so I can remember you.
I got too many people that follow me for me to keep track of everybody,
so I leave the message. A lot of y’all just wanna talk.
A lot of y’all do this little sneaky thing where you’re interested
and you want to see the prices.
If you want to know my price,
just say that. Literally jump in my inbox and be like,
look, right,
I want to get a puppy, but I want to know what your price is.
I send you the price. Cool.
That’s not in my budget. I’m cool with that.
But to show genuine interest and have me go through my process
for you not to even want to get it all,
it’s dumb. I’m almost tempted to start making people pay
just to put an application
or go through my process. It’s getting that bad.
Please, please, please.
If you are not ready right now or currently when I’m having the litter,
don’t hit me up. I can’t tell you about the future.
Cause I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna do this.
I hope y’all know those y’all that truly follow me.
I made it very, very clear.
I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna do this.
Because I really, really,
really, really want to get My rescue up and going.
I want to be able to go get dogs,
nurture them careful for a couple months
and give them away to a family.
That is going to be the process of my rescue.
My rescue is not going to be to keep the dogs,
but it’s gonna be more or less to do my own version of raising them
to see what they really need.
Cause I feel like the shelter gets them
and they got somebody is way too uptight.
Can’t be around dogs, can’t run,
be around kids, can’t be around cats.
And then they write that on the sheet
and that pushes a lot of people away.
And I feel like that’s why the dogs stay in the shelter.
I’m going to go get a dog.
Worst case scenario, dogs
bring them in,
have them around my dogs, have them around.
Situations for me to give my own analyst on if.
If this is very true about that dog or not. Right.
That’s my process. I really,
really, really want to have the rescue going by January 2025.
I’ve already thought about a spot of land that I want to clear out
to give them their own house,
purchase another house for them.
Um, as you all know,
I had a gofundme going on, um,
and I made it very clear whether that gold got met or not,
I was gonna come out my pocket for that.
Those of you that have, have Donated and did whatever to it.
Thank you. Um,
but I’m still gonna have to front a difference for that.
I gotta clear out land on my property.
I gotta buy another house for them.
And that’s gonna be the deal.
Um, it’s already in the works.
Me and Daniel have already kind of scoped out what we wanna do,
how we wanna do it. Um,
the house size, everything.
I’m not gonna take in a prelude of dogs.
Like, it’s not gonna be 14,
$15, like,
on top of what I already got.
It’s literally gonna be maybe three at the most.
At one time. Um,
it might be one at a time.
Um, the dog is mainly gonna be in the house for the most part,
but, you know,
we’re away. It’s gonna go in,
you know, whatever house that we buy for them.
But please, y’all,
I have two, maybe three spots left for the.
This litter that I have. If you are genuinely interested.
Before you hit me up, please look at the price range for XL Bully.
Now, I’m not on the top end.
I’m more less on the lower end. Right.
I’mma just say it in the video,
just to save you some time.
The price range for XL Bully is 3,000 to 5,000 dollars.
Some people may go lower than that,
some people may go higher than that.
It does depend on the litter.
None of my prices for the litter are the Same.
So for those of you, and I know y’all to be doing this,
that hit up my buyers and ask them what they pay for their dog,
y’all do know they tell me this, right?
Cause it’s in my contract
not to disclose prices with people outside of buying from me.
So those of you that done had that,
I’ve done that. And you follow me,
cause let me know. They screenshot and send it to me like,
hey, Ryan,
this person asked me. I go look at your page,
I’m like, you could have just asked me, boogie.
You had to go through that.
But anywho, I do have two to three spots open in this litter.
Um, the candidates that I have currently,
they just ain’t it. They just ain’t it.
Or I got people to get all the way deep into it,
and they ain’t really interested.
I think they just want to talk to me,
whatever weird reason might be going on.
But I do offer payment plans, right?
This is not a video explaining my process,
but I do offer payment plans.
Understand something?
The puppies have to be paid in full by September 13th next month.
The 13th. So my buyers currently that are in
within this litter have had a jump start on paying, right?
There is no specific dog that is available.
I do a draft. The draft is based on how you pay. Right.
So picks 1 and 2 have already Been locked in
because those two people paid in full,
the third person, the next person paying for
and so forth.
It goes up to the number of puppies that I’m willing to sell.
The process is very simple. Right.
Just be a decent human being.
Just be a decent human being.
Don’t have no evictions and stuff like that.
There is an exception to covid.
Don’t have no leans, don’t have no judgments.
My process is very simple.
If you don’t fit those. Those qualities of that criteria,
I get it. It’s not hard for me to sell dogs.
It’s not hard for me to. It’s hard for me to find a decent person.
That’s all.