Title: The Latest Scoop on Jen Garner, Ben Affleck, and Jennifer Lopez: Relationship Drama Unfolds in the World of Celebrities

Big shake up in presidential politics today.
We are going to get to that a little bit later,
including, obviously,
Kamala Harris’s big speech at the DNC
and who showed up and didn’t show up.
We’ll get to all that, but first,
Jen Garner has been a big topic of conversation ever since
Jennifer Lopez. Uh,
the story we broke earlier this week that Jennifer.
Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce.
And a lot of people have been wondering,
does this mean that Ben Affleck and, uh,
Jen Garner are getting back together?
I’ve heard so many people say that,
Charles speculate it’s gonna happen. Well,
and part of the reason we should.
I think I know where the speculation came from.
The smile on Ben Affleck’s face
when he came back from a trip back east.
He and Jen Garner were on that private jet along with some of.
I think, one of their kids.
But they had gone back to Yale to drop off Violet,
who was starting her freshman year.
But everyone was like, why is he smiling so much?
And he usually has this. A dislike,
unhappy look on his face, and. Yeah,
you don’t see him like that.
He’s resting. Benfits. Right. Uh,
that’s why people thought that maybe they’re getting back together.
What they keep forgetting is about a guy named John Miller,
who is Jen Garner’s boyfriend,
has been for a long time, and what we’re told still is. Yes,
you guys. So
We’re told that she is still with John Miller,
and they are still very happy,
very much in love.
She has no plans on rekindling anything romantic with Ben Affleck.
And we’re also told that John is a very confident guy.
He totally understands
and gets the co parenting situation that Jen has with Ben.
He’s not worried at all, and all is good.
But kind of like you guys said,
I think people thought like, look,
you know, crazier things have happened in Ben Affleck’s life.
I don’t think anyone suspected he was gonna get back with Jlo,
like, after two decades,
but he did. And,
it wouldn’t be out of the norm for him to rekindle things with the,
the mother of his children.
He did buy a house in Brentwood,
very close to where. Where Jen Garner and their kids live.
And like you said, Charles,
they have been spending a lot of time together.
He looks the happiest he’s looked,
looked in a long time, at least in what we were seeing in photos,
don’t you think? I mean,
there’s more about just the kids and family.
Yeah, right,
I’m sure, than a romantic,
big moment for one of his kids.
There’s being confident, Charles.
And then, you know,
there’s, uh.
This guy’s Ben Affleck. He’s rich,
he’s handsome. Handsome,
he’s famous. They have history together.
They have family. I mean, I, I,
I would probably, despite not wanting to admit it,
if I’m John Miller. I probably be a little worried.
You’d be worried? You’d be worried. I.
I wouldn’t love to see Ben Affleck.
Only thing I would say is that
as long as John Miller and Jen Garner have been together,
Ben Affleck has always been co parenting with Jen Garner.
Right. So that’s why I think John is probably.
He just happens to be single right now.
Right. Also, look,
here’s the thing, too.
I think fans think, look,
Ben would probably get back with Jen,
but I don’t think Jen would get back with Ben.
I think Jen is, like,
crushing it in her life right now.
She’s in a really good place.
And I think Jen’s the kind of person where she’s like, look,
I tried. I did my best.
It didn’t work, and I’m moving on.
And we’re. And we’re better as co parents than we were as a couple.
Uh, by the way,
speaking of Ben Affleck x. Um, estranged.
I guess they’re not technically exes yet.
Uh, Jennifer Lopez,
in her divorce filing, uh,
there was something she did request.
We told you, no spousal support.
And doesn’t want Ben to get spousal support either.
She’s not asking for it.
But what she does want to leave with is her name. Uh,
because in the documents,
she writes out very clearly that she wants to remember
she filed this without an attorney.
She wants to take back her married name. Charles.
I didn’t even know
That she had changed her name when they got married in 2019.
She never changed it professionally, obviously, right?
She still went by Jennifer Lopez,
but he had legally taken the name Affleck.
Um, and I think I’d even proudly,
at one point, like,
posted something about that,
but, uh,
no, Ben,
you can have the name. What this shows you is Jen’s had four marriages,
right? A lot of them,
we didn’t hear anything about her changing the last name.
The fact that she did with Ben Affleck
just really shows you how much they believed
this was the forever marriage.
And remember, on the ring,
Ben even engraves on her engagement ring saying,
not going anywhere. Like,
they thought this was it. As you guys know,
there’s no prenup, so they did not see any ending to this relationship.
And it’s kind of sad, but,
you know, with.
With Jlo now asking to drop that ethnic name,
go back to Jennifer Lopez.
It just shows you also how ready she is to move on.
Hi, I’m Karina from Las Vegas.
Um, speaking on Jen,
she could definitely take her last name.
He doesn’t want to be associated with that.
I think he’s moved on. She should have known.
This is the. Not her first Rodeo.
She’s done this plenty of times.
I don’t think it’s a shock to anybody.
We all knew it was coming.
He looked, quite frankly,
miserable the entire time.
Unfortunately, it’s sad to say,
I Think she was looking for that fairy tale wedding
and that fairy tale marriage,
and it just didn’t fit for whatever reason.
I don’t know. And I think she’s making the right choice.
Go back to her old name. We don’t care.
Move on. Go on to the next. Maybe.
Maybe she’s a janitor. At this point,
she’s dated every single type of man you could think of.
A producer, a singer,
a rapper, an athlete.
Yeah. Maybe it’s time to get out of the entertainment biz.
It’s a regular guy. Yeah. Yeah,
you know, like a regular guy.
Like a producer, TMZ host or something like that.