Sisterly Review: Trying Free Soul Greens for Gut Health and Daily Detox

So me and my sister gonna be trying Free Soul Greens.
I saw. And the nutritionist speak about this
and apparently it’s really good for your gut health,
for insides, and it’s meant to just clear everything out.
Rich in fibre, it’s got ashwagandha,
flaxseed, chlorella,
red beetroot, lots of good stuff.
Nev doesn’t like anything,
so I doubt she’s gonna like it. Cheers.
Taste like peach. I wouldn’t choose to drink it,
but I feel like if I woke up and felt like it’s a deblow,
like I did, not beef.
I just downloaded the vitamins.
It feels healthy. Yeah.
Not by choice, but not too bad. That’s the verdict?