Adventures in a Virtual Marketplace: Quest for the Storage Key and Magic Microwave

Cannot be having these laying out. Dave, what do you do with the rocket logic? Why do you have rocket logic back there? You’re not gonna use that, right? Go quickly. He’s distracted. Oh, why does it make such a loud noise when I pick something up and stuff? But maybe potato or maybe I can steal the thing. Nope, nope. That is a, that is a. Do not take anything from that shelf. What the heck, dude? Oh, yo, I can shake the vending machine. Give me, oh, beans. Is that safer than taking it off the shelf? Is it more reliable that way? Do I have enough for the backpack? 350. Now I’m close. Then we’ll really be making money. Wait, how much do we get for chips? This is gotta be good, right? This is gotta be good. 10 bucks. That’s all I needed, right? Give me backpack now. Oh, I could have bought the sack. I was saving up all this time for the backpack. I could’ve bought. I could have got one earlier. That’s fine. At least now we can make a lot more money. I’m just gonna steal bananas, as many bananas as I can carry. It’s the safest way, 21 bucks that way. If only I could steal three witches brew. Imagine three witches brew. I could do it. I could do it. There’d be so much money. Oh, come on. I can do it. Oh, no. One run. I’m rich. I made $60. Dude, stop making out with him, please. You’re weird. Hey, sleeping guy, get up. Oh, you can change how fast you can walk, too. Oh, this is all so much money. These gloves reduce your chances of being loud.

Storage key. $2,000 for the storage key. I want the storage key. I’m not gonna lie. I freaking want it. I need to find out what’s back there.

This game is funny. I can now increase my walk speed by a factor of wood. When I got better shoes, I got point five walk speed. Really not that much, but now we’re zooming. I might be able to walk faster than the security guard at this point.

You know, look, you can’t catch up. Okay? You can catch up a little bit. Just a little bit, though. You can push the guard. What? We need that now I’m gonna be the boss. How do I push him? Come here. Who’s a boss now? Who’s a boss now? Dummy. Don’t worry, guys, I got this. Push it.

This is my last run. 70 more dollars and I can get to the security room. Oh, I hope I have enough. Please say I have enough. Come on. Oh, so close, 4 bucks. This banana should do it. Look out. Give me the key.

This is better be good, Dave. There better be some good back here. I swear to God. Okay, a microwave. I can get magic items so we can make magic stuff. Matt, you hear that? Magic? Can you come in here? I think I’m safe in here. I’m safe. This is a safe room. This is overpowered. Make that magic be magic.

Wait, what is that? What did that do? Oh, wait. Maybe it’s a gamble. Whether you get it or not. It’s a gamble. Come on, please. No. Okay. What does the magic microwave do? It just deletes your things. Potato in the microwave. That makes sense. Dude, you got a golden grommet? Maybe you, maybe it only accepts grommet. Please turn this gold, please. Every time.

Presto, the magic word. I meant Alec his aim. Yes, Alec his aim worked. This is gonna give me so much money. Images. Yes, it worked. Magic Roman mug for you, Hubert, $66. Not worth it at all. That would, that it takes so long to get a golden one. Why is that only 60 bucks? Why just break your way?