You Don’t Know How To Drive: Share Your Bank Holiday Adventures with Us! #YDKHTD

hey guys just out here in the car cause I know how to drive
uh been loving all of your comments for our new single
You Don’t Know How To Drive
thank you for all of the love
um we were thinking
we’d love to know what you guys are up to over the bank holiday weekend
and thought it could be fun if you send us your videos of what you’re up to
where you’re at using the song You Don’t Know How To Drive as the audio
driving videos welcome or just whatever you’re up to
share it with us and use the hashtag #YDKHTD
um and we might even turn it into a Spotify Canvas video
using your content to make a canvas clip
if the content’s good enough obviously
um so get creative
send us send us your shit
let us know what you’re up to
sending lots of love