National Cheap Flights Day: Uncovering Deals from Atlanta to Charlotte and Everywhere In Between

All the deals I’m finding for National Cheap Flights Day part 2
in part 1 I covered JFK lax
m C o d
F W and P H
X if you don’t know me hi
I’m Madison and I hope you travel more without breaking bank
today August 23rd
is National Cheap Flights Day
so I’m trying to share all the good deals when I’m finding with you
from all the airports that you guys are requesting
I’ve been posting every single deal I find on my Instagram story
as I shared my last video
I’m specifically looking at deals
not necessarily the best price tag
I’m gonna be moving pretty quickly so I can show you more departure cities
so when we get to your city make sure and screenshot it
first up is Atlanta Georgia
so I’ll let you screenshot
want to call it Tokyo here because it is $936 cheaper
making the actual price less than the actual amount you’re saving
X is Chicago I’ll get out of your way
call out to car here with some really huge savings
and I usually don’t see deals for here the San Francisco
and I wanted to call out the domestic fair of $38 for Portland and LA
obviously it’s frontier so you’re gonna have to pay for bags
but that’s still a really good rate
you can screenshot this now
you guys also ask for Salt Lake City if you consistent $400 or more in savings
next up is Washington DC with a highlight being Mount Kilimanjaro
as the comment asked for here is Austin Texas
go ahead and screenshot my former home base of Nashville BNA
now we’re seeing some budget airlines here
but the amount of difference
the price is insane and even though you’ll have to pay for bags
it’s still gonna be a deal
also this crazy savings for Seoul South Korea
next up is Denver I’ll go ahead and let you screenshot
and finally for this round we have Charlotte
also calling out Sydney
because it is saving you as much as you’re actually paying
and in the next video
I’m gonna be showing you how exactly I’m finding these deals
so if I’m not able to get to your city
you’ll be equipped to go find these deals on your own