Thrifty Traveler: How to Live Rent-Free and Travel the World on a Budget

I came to the realization that it is literally
cheaper for me to travel full time than to live in my hometown.
Like right now I am living rent free in New Zealand.
And so if you are a young broke and want to travel,
these are the type of opportunities that I personally would jump on
if I weren’t already booked for the rest of the year.
Let’s find some places that you can live for free
like this off grid mountain farm in Portugal.
Looking for a house sitter for three and a/2 months.
It is so beautiful. Volunteer and live at this hostel in Australia.
Work as a cleaner at a hostel in Greece.
More house sitting opportunities.
This is at Off Grid Homestead in the Virgin Islands.
Or you can take care of this family
dogs and live in this house in Trinidad and Tobago.
Get free accommodation. Work as a content creator in India Asia.
Volunteer in Greece on this project.
Live on a farm for free in Thailand.
This is in Lombok, Indonesia.
You get free accommodation by helping promote their local events.
I’m here to show you that travel doesn’t have to be crazy expensive.
So let me know if you have any questions.