Exploring Flavorful Indian Tacos with a Variety of Sauces and Spices

Now for the tacos, she gave me three different sauces.
This looks like a sweet chutney of some sort.
This one kind of looks like the Ponce De Leon water.
That one right there, cilantro.
We. I know this is some kind of yogurt
and I cannot remember what this is called.
I’ve never had it, but I’ve seen people call it something.
Is it dosa? No,
it’s not dosa. What is it?
It’s like a Greek yogurt and some lime. Cheers.
Whoop! Damn it!
That is amazing. Fire! Fire!
So many combinations of flavours.
The sweet chutney, the spicy one, onion, tomato,
the masala sauce. The bread has such a nice texture.
And then you get the coolness from the cream.
That is phenomenal. Now let’s go with the pro move.
Lord Jesus looks immaculate.
Died and gone to Indian heaven.
If you live in Toledo. Bombay Kitchen.
The tacos, phenomenal.
Tikka masala tacos. Actually,
can someone confirm her tonight?
It’s a tikka or tikka. Either way,