My Kindergarten Book Bag Essentials: A Peek Inside my State Bag

Hey guys, I wanted to show you my new book bag for kindergarten.
It’s from state. I love that it’s pink and super girly.
It also just has a lot of pockets.
Let me just show you. I color these pictures for mommy.
Cause I want her to feel very special.
Don’t look, don’t open yet.
I usually have folders and markers,
but I left them at school for the weekend.
In my front pocket I always keep a little pouch.
Let me show you what’s inside of it.
First, my hand sanitizer from Touchland.
Second, you never leave your lips dry.
Always a little lippy. And then I got my cleaning stuff for my glasses.
X I have a mask
cause you never want. You never want somebody sneeze on you.
I have lotion so I never get dry skin.
And that’s what’s inside of my state bag.