The Joy of Connecting: My Pokemon Go Journey and Raid Adventures

when I made that video
I did not think that many people were gonna care or add me on Pokemon Go
I reached the max limit of friends you can have on the app in half an hour
more people were friending me on Pokemon than I have followers on Instagram
it’s crazy
So I’m sorry if you didn’t make the cut
I didn’t know there was a limit
I had no idea
that being said
if you did make the friends list
and we are now Pokemon Go friends
if you are playing the game
make sure you set your online status to on
because if I ever do a raid and I go to invite a bunch of people
I only do the people who are online
it’s been working so well
like every time I do it we end up with a lobby of like six people
sometimes we have to like
exit out and then come back in just to give everyone more time to get there
but like we’ve been beating those Xerneas man
I have been having the motherfucking time of my life with you guys
if we are not Pokemon go friends
but you are looking to make Pokemon Go friends
the video after the one that this links to this comment
um people are sharing their codes in the comments and making so many friends
go do that
also my friend Joey from Australia over there
who got me back into the game
like he’s the reason I played it
this is his handle please go follow him
he’s the fucking best he posts all sorts of tips and stuff
he is who I go to when I have questions about how the fuck this game works
sometimes and he’s been posting all of it on his account
so please go follow him he’s literally the best
but yeah if we are friends on the app
utilize that online status
cause that’s how you get invited to raids when I do them
okay I love you all so much
this has been the best and if you don’t have the app yet and you’re like
on the fence about downloading it
download that shit the world needs it right now I feel
I can’t even begin to describe the amount of joy that it
it brings me and continues to bring me I’m having so much fun