Visualizing the Effects of Smoking: The Paper Towel Test

This woman smoked for many years,
and she ended up doing the paper towel test
to see how bad her lungs were
because of all these years of smoking.
This is exactly what happened.
And she’s able to see that the towel changes color to this.
Like, what is that even?
And then, years after she stopped smoking,
she redid the paper towel test,
and this is exactly what happened.
You notice that she looks different.
She looks much healthier, right?
And then the paper towel results are completely different.
So her lungs seems like they’re much healthier,
they’re much cleaner than what they were before.
And here’s what you have to understand.
Smoking can definitely cause you to have COPD,
or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
in which you have mucus build up,
and over time, that could predispose you to have respiratory issues,
pneumonias. Then that could cause you to not be able to clear mucus
as well as all these different chemicals in your lungs.
What could happen is that COPD,
or smoking could cause ciliary damage.
You have a mucociliary escalator
that basically helps clear up different bacteria,
different debris in your lungs.
But when you smoke, you destroyed that.
So now
you’re having a very difficult time clearing that from your lungs.
And your lungs could have a build up of all these different chemicals
and toxins, as well as mucus build up.
That is definitely not something that you want.
So if you’re still smoking,
Cigarettes or vaping. To that extent
you stop immediately
so that you don’t have any lung issues in the future.