Dreamscape of Hope: A Journey Beyond Impossibilities

They will never give you up. Never make you sad. They will never give you up. Never make you cry. They will never say goodbye to you. Never tell lies to hurt you. Great.

Not much time. Is that 28 minutes 46 seconds? 28 minutes, 45 seconds. You’re here.

Don’t come close. This bomb is. But since you’re here, I’ll just keep it short. Just over half an hour ago, I received a message from an unknown sender. 27 minutes, 52 seconds. 27 minutes, 51 seconds. The sweet dream has lost the Protection of the order if it were to blow up here, the consequences would be unfathomable. I’ve scrutinized it for a long time. But the bombs design is incredible. Apart from its creator, I fear no one know, actually.

Do you still remember the script said that I will experience, I think this moment, Harold, you may already know that I have no way of evoking dreams. I employ a stellar on hunter special method in order to enter dreams instead. This allows me to perform feeds that typical dream chasers can’t. As long as I can bear the pain of the memorial pressure, I’ll be able to dive into the primal memory zone beyond the dream and extend a lifeline to the rate, I will take this bomb into the depths of the dreamscape, as deep as possible, where there are no living souls around. That way, at least no one will get hurt.

Don’t worry. I believe that this firefly armor will be enough to take me to where I need to go before the countdown ends and maybe even make it back at present, this is our best and most logical course of action.

After all, a long story deserves a happy. And I have some words to share with you, though they were spoken to me by Miss Akaron. She said that the so called impossible is merely something that is yet to happen. At the moment, there are so many things that seem impossible, but are they really never going to happen? Maybe it’s just that the moment to disprove these impossibilities hasn’t arrived yet. Whether it be a literal ending, suffering, a kin to death or a harrowing death escape before the appointed destination arrives, they are all the same. That when that moment arrives for us to make a choice, the answer to our end will already be within our end.

It is not destiny that shapes us. The Astral Express and the stellar on hunters are like light and shadow. We walk on different paths, intertwined, moving forward and growing together.

Maybe the end is predestined, but it is not today. And things are going too well. Let’s speed up the counter housing. Human life is short, just like fireflies to a flame. So if you have an answer in your heart, always remember, don’t leave with any regrets. We have this, right? Don’t we need the sun? What a silent design many song. Since you care so much about other people’s safety, why don’t you go take a closer look?

You see, but everything is possible in slander dreams. We each came here with our own goals and realize them in unimaginable ways. Regardless if the result was a sweet illusion or a bitter reality, it was an answer he belonged for day. and night so why do people choose to sluvera i think it says you said because in the end, we will wake up from our dreams。