Crafting Catchy Choruses: A Songwriting Tip Guide

I think the hard part about songwriting is not coming up with ideas,
but figuring out how to put the ideas that we have together.
So a lot of times
we’ll come up with a melody or a little harmonic idea,
chord progression, and we’ll have something that we wanna say.
But putting it together with another section,
that’s the hard part. So wouldn’t it make sense then
to practice little mini exercises with putting sections together?
So what we could do is we could write a four line section,
just a little verse, where you have repeat, repeat,
repeat, repeat in the melody four times.
Really simple idea. And then ask yourself,
what would I write then as a chorus to come after this?
Because then you’re practicing the hardest part of songwriting,
which is making those decisions about what do I sing?
That contrast, but is also complimentary,
what do I play? That moves the song forward.
So practice this. Break songs down into those smaller bits.
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