Convenience Store Shenanigans: A Comedy of Errors

What is up, my man?
I am back for some more crack.
Um, excuse me? Crack.
You know, the same stuff you gave me last time.
That shit was different, bro. Different.
Sir, this is a convenience store.
We sell snacks and common household items.
Ha! You are. Oh,
you’re a funny guy. You are funny guy.
You know, I, like.
Stop messing around, though.
I am itching for some of those rocks.
You’re gonna do this in front of my son on take your child to Work Day?
Why are you talking to my dad like he’s a drug dealer?
You know, you’re right.
You’re right, Greg.
Your dad is not a drug dealer.
He is my drug dealer, and I love him.
What were you gonna tell him about us?
Were you planning on it? I didn’t think so.
It doesn’t sound like what I did.
I mean nothing to you? Get out of my store before I call the police.
Nightmare, nightmare, nightmare.
I thought you were different, man.
I thought you were different.
All of my plugs in the past,
they did not care about me.
They did not care about me one bit.
They did not care for me like you care for me, okay?
You were there for me when my mom was in the hospital.
You were there for me when I had my first kidney stone.
You were there. I have never met you before in my life,
and you’re freaking Out! My son!
Dad, should I use the gun?
Hold on, Greg.
Just buy something from the store
and we’ll pretend like this never happened, okay?
How old is your son? 12,
30 bucks. I was gonna say fifteen