Confessions from the Mattress: A Wild Encounter

I was on my bed, on my mattress,
on my back, on the mattress.
My booty was scooch to the edge of the mattress.
My legs are in the air. I don’t gotta be gross.
You can visualize, you know,
what the we’re doing. And he almost lost his balance,
but he didn’t want to fall.
So what he did to not fall during the act was grab me.
He grabbed me right here and right here.
And he kept on.
Did you see it in the back?
My bad. He grabbed me right here and right here.
I’m recording. Look at it.
He grabbed me right here and right here.
And he held on. He used my belly side of the goddamn spider.
Do you understand that? I joined the next. Hey!
I was like, it’s an emergency.
Open the door. I know it’s Sunday.
I know it’s Sunday, bitch! It just got real.
He could have grabbed my ankles,
my thighs,
the mattress. I had to use my own hands.
I got real strong when I’m getting banged out.
But no, he decided,
fuck her self esteem while I get this nut off real quick.