Sacrifices and Success: Reflections on Completing a Course of Study

What did you have to give up in order to complete your course of study?
One thing I definitely had to give away was my sense of.
Of fear. You can’t let it get to you.
You just have to. You have to do it.
And I think that’s with everything else in life as well.
Like, you earned this and your position to be here.
Go take it and. And do it.
And I’ve done it. You did it?
Social medias. Social media. Really?
No. Have to give up no social medias and just focus on your career.
Instead of scrolling on TikTok,
I might actually put the phone down,
look at Alexa stuff and actually take in and absorb the information.
No Netflix? Um,
obviously, I want.
I wanna say, in some cases,
the social life. First thing is dating.
Ha, ha. Right.
Not. Not been dating.
Um, finally,
this summer, I’ve been having a little more fun.
So, yeah,
I had to sacrifice a little bit of money,
but it was. It was really worth it.
Oh, of course,
the gym. Of course,
the gym. Of course, man,
the gym. Definitely the gym.
A lot of free time? Yeah,
maybe my free time, yeah.
Hanging out with friends to do my coursework and stuff like that.
I had acting jobs lined up and stuff like that
that I had to miss because of fatal performance.
Education comes first, and then my career comes second.
So I had To do that. And I sacrificed it.
But it was worth the sacrifice.
Cause I’m here now, graduating.
And I have still job lined up for me.
So I’m so happy. Yeah.