From Twitch to Payday Loans: A Financial Journey

I looked at your income. What was the largest piece of incoming money?
It’s gonna probably show like $597 on there.
No, the largest thing that came in was a payday loan.
A payday loan disbursement.
Okay, well, yeah,
that’s that. Yeah,
that was a little bit larger than the.
Than the other one that was on there.
Yeah, that was the largest thing.
Yeah. Yeah, me.
Okay, well, okay,
so unknown transferring of 209.
What was that? Uh,
that was money from, uh,
my dad, actually.
Hold on. Well,
how long have you been ubering?
Cause something’s telling me it’s not working out to pay the bills.
If the two things I’ve called out so far are not income.
Well, I mean,
it is working. It is working.
The problem is that it’s summer.
You took out a payday loan?
I did take out a payday loan.
I did take out, but.
Hold on, let me.
But it’s summertime, college is out.
It slowed down significantly.
So maybe we need a job that’s not so seasonal.
For taking out payday loans.
I am. Wait,
what have you been doing? And then you said part time acting.
Okay, how much do you bring in doing that?
Uh, in.
In may. I brought in about 2,000 on that.
Well, okay,
we’re looking in June,
cause there’s nothing that hits your account that’s 2 thousand.
No, uh,
June. It’s also.
I’ve only done a couple of gigs, um,
this month, and they Only
how much does that made? About 300.
Okay, see, that’s.
You know, we’ve had a lot of.
But I am getting a show. I am getting an agent.
You’re getting an agent? I have a interview actually,
tomorrow with a large. Dallas.
With a large agency in Dallas.
Okay. So hopefully that will.
We’ve had a lot of people in the show
who wanna make it in that industry from.
And, you know,
a lot of people in the audience that wanna make it in that industry.
And this is. It’s a big thing.
For some reason, people are moving to Austin to make it.
That doesn’t make sense to me,
but whatever. Okay.
I wanna. I wanna help you get to your dreams
if there’s a way we can get there.
But we’re taking out payday loans.
Yeah, we’re taking money from our dad.
I don’t think Uber is what’s gonna be
what pays the bills if we can’t pay our bills.
What. How long have you been doing Uber, though?
I’ve. I have been doing Uber about five months.
Okay. What were you doing before that?
I was working at FedEx Express.
Okay, there we go.
That sounds like a job. What happened?
I hated it. You hate paying bills?
No, I don’t hate paying bills.
And you’re. And you’re right.
It was a good job. It was.
What are you making? Uh.
I know you’re gonna ask me that.
Um, no.
Yeah. And you’re gonna welcome To financial.
Not like the response. Response of me on this one.
Uh, 2379 an hour. Okay.
40 hours a week. 40 hours a week.
A good health insurance. Pay time off.
Pay time off. Okay,
so probably make like 50,000 bucks a year.
In my defense, I’ve been.
I’ve been part time acting
and starting to delve into that for about a little over a year. Okay.
Started to get so busy that I used all my PT on sick time to pursue it.
And. Which is great.
Which is great. I had to have a major surgery.
Let’s go, dreams,
let’s go! I had to have a major surgery,
so I was off work for 6 weeks.
Paid time off, work disability.
Yeah. And I thought,
I just. I have two bulging discs in my back.
All the stuff from lifting for.
Cause. I worked for Amazon before that. Okay.
Um. And, um,
I decided, you know what?
I need something more flexible so I can pursue this.
I had a buddy that been doing Uber for seven years,
said, making his living.
Do it. And I said,
that’ll give me the flexibility to do it.
I’m gonna do it. And Caleb,
let me tell you, it would have worked out.
I cash my 4:01 k out. Had a big amount of money.
I know, I know,
but, but, but,
but here’s. Okay.
You’re gonna kill me on this one.
Probably. You’re gonna kill me.
On this one. You’re not gonna like this.
Luckily, I don’t have a weapon.
Yes. Yeah, yeah,
it’s a long story, but I,
What the fuck? No. What?
Haha. Okay,
that’s not how this works.
So I used to be a full time partnered streamer on Twitch.
Okay. What?
Yeah, this is when I lived in Arizona before I moved here,
so, um,
and I’m like jumping back and forth.
So wait a minute,
what were you doing full time on Twitch?
Yeah. You were full time on Twitch?
Full time partner streamer on Twitch for two years.
Oh, you’ve been everywhere.
What the fuck? So how much were you making doing that?
I was making between, I would say on a good month,
top ending about five to six,
low end three to four.
Okay, that’s,
that’s making a living on Twitch as streaming?
Yeah, it,
it was, yeah.
Um, who are you streaming?
I was considered a variety streamer.
So what happened? Open world RPG games.
I basically gave my whole soul and life to that.
So I ditched all my friends,
I ditched everything for that and made it to be doing it full time.
But I basically was just me and my space station in my living room
with just, oh, yeah,
I had no table. No,
it was just my space station and just me and the internet
and my moderators, discord, my.
I mean, it was,
it was great, but. Eight.
To 10 hours streaming a day.
Oh, yeah. Uh,
I had no life, and I just got burned out of it.
I felt like. And you just stopped?
I stopped everything. I’ve also been clean and sober for over 12 years,
so the stuff I do to keep that,
I discarded. All that stuff that helps me with that.
And was there a better content strategy that we could have adapted to?
There was, because, again,
you’re literally borrowing money from your dad
and taking out payday loans,
and I think the pay that came in was like, $500,
like, I.
And that’s so different than making,
at the top end, six.
$7,000 a month. Yeah, well,
I mean, it’s a little bit of a hiccup right now,
but I think we can get past it.
I mean, the way I’m thinking about,
I realize what I did wrong is
got the chunk of my 4:01 k when I quit FedEx.
How much was that? Uh,
I ended up with around 5,250 after they took the penalties.
And here’s what I did. How long were you doing Twitch?
I did Twitch for two years,
but then I moved here.
And I know that a lot of people that are streaming full time,
it’s like. It’s seriously,
like crazy, crazy,
crazy hours. And you give up.
You give up so much of social life and a lot of things now.
I would have rather come up with a different content strategy.
And just giving up, cause where are you not.
Do you have anything? Oh, yeah,
you do have something in retirement.
Let’s see, what is it?
Oh, $200.
Okay, so that’s,
I, can I,
yeah, yeah.
Well, that’s,
that’s gonna be zero. Oh, yeah.
When did you just pull 600?
You just pulled 6,000 out?
I, I, no, no,
I pulled that out, like, four,
four and a half, five months ago.
Okay. For some reason,
it’s still getting money. Oh,
this is, it’s,
well, it’s showing her from the year.
so when I pulled it out, sorry to go back to this,
but when I pulled it out, I would have used that for my nest egg,
and then I would be driving Uber and making 6 to 700 a week.
So I was like, great.
But I decided, before gas,
before maintenance. Before gas and maintenance,
I decided, well,
I haven’t had a console or,
you know, indulged in video games in three years, so. Oh,
so let’s do it. When we have to pull from retirement and make no money.
I bought a PS five. Great.
And a 4K 240 hertz, um,
HD monitor. And I didn’t drive for nine weeks,
and I play video games for nine weeks.
You know what? Oh, no.
And I went through my whole 4:01 K.
My 4:01 K? Are you kidding me?
It’s gone. And so then I realized I need to start driving.
I appreciate your character,
but This is the most. That’s the most childish.
Why don’t you really stream it?
Why do you always stream it for nine weeks
and try to get some tips and donations?
Because, uh.
Cause now, unlike when you stream,
there’s all these different areas you can stream on too.
Well, I don’t have a webcam anymore.
I didn’t have the. Okay,
I think if we went and I don’t have a.
I don’t have a computer, I don’t have a gaming computer anymore,
so it’s just too many factors.
But if you had a computer. Hmm.
Well, honestly,
it just. You can stream from PlayStation seasons.
You can. You can.
Oh, you gotta buy an excuse.
Okay, okay,
you’re an excuse. Just bundle of excuses.
Sure, whatever. Great.
I don’t know if I would call it that.
I would just. What,
you just try to make a thousand excuses? Why?
Well, they’re probably none of them are valid.
If you can go spend on a PlayStation 5 and all that
and you can stream from your PlayStation,
you could have got a $25 webcam and you could have been streaming.
Yeah, but you gotta make it good.
You gotta make it look good.
You do, but you could have at least been trying.
So you literally drained your 4:01 k,
sat on your for nine weeks playing place.
What are you even playing?
At least let it be something good.
Yeah, I replayed the, uh.
It’s a replay. It’s not Even a new play?
Well, you know,
last was. What did you replay?
Okay, I replayed the remake of last of Us 1.
Okay, alright,
alright, alright.
Last was two that they upgraded for.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Payday loan.
Hey, payday loans.
What? I don’t know.
What does that mean? I don’t know.
I don’t know. I don’t know. Okay.