Embracing Authenticity: The Top Regret and the Key to Living a Fulfilling Life

Are there kind of top things that people regret
that we can use in our lives now to live a better life?
Yeah. The No. 1 regret is I was performing the whole time.
I never was actually being me,
and I was afraid to be me.
And I didn’t even know what it would feel like to be me.
But right now, as I’m dying,
as I, as that veil thins,
I feel myself, and I’m a beautiful being.
I am home. And so really, the,
the regret is, wow,
if I’d just known I was whole the whole time and,
and hadn’t had to do all the performance
and had been able to taste the cup of coffee for what it really is
instead of perceive it for everything that it’s not.