Auntie Laura’s McDonald’s and Tea Time Chats with Tommy

What? What?
Your mum’s. Come and tell me something.
Come in the camera so they can see you.
That’s it. If you see that,
if you come in this, you come a bit closer to me
and then they can see you if you speak close into the mic
like I’m speaking now. Yeah.
We wanna know cause I’ve been asking every single kid that I’ve met
the same question. Cause I think it’s so.
I think it’s interesting. The favourite thing that your mum cooks.
What’s the favourite thing that your mum cooks that you like the most?
McDonald’s. What?
Uh, McDonald’s.
So your mom’s got her own version of McDonald’s?
Yeah. So basically she’s just.
You’ve just admitted that your mom takes you McDonald’s every night.
I know. Yes.
That’s what. Yes.
See? Yeah.
Ha ha. That’s alright.
That’s not bad. If Mommy’s busy,
Mommy isn’t tired, she.
It’s okay if she takes you McDonald’s,
I think. Yes,
I think. What’s your.
What do you prefer out of Nando’s or McDonald’s?
Nando’s. You like Nando’s more?
Yes. Yeah.
Who’s watching?
Auntie Walla. Yeah.
Does she. Does she do a cup of nice cup of tea by any chance?
Yeah, Auntie Walla.
I’ll come around for a cup of tea one day.
Where are you? On church
Giddy Park. Where are you?
Where is she? Oh,
that’s even better for me. Dagnam,
you know what I mean? I’m from Canning Town.
Canning Town. And dagnam is like this.
We’re The same type of people.
Do you know what I mean? Laura,
as. As long as your aunt doesn’t put the milk in first.
In the tea first, look.
Oh, does she?
Ah, Laura.
Laura. What’s happening with that?
That’s bad. Checkers.
That’s bad. Haha.
Alright then. So what’s your name, bro?
Tommy. Tommy, um.
You raised me up. Is that actually your favourite song?
Yes. I would love to be able to play it.
I just don’t know if I’ve got it.
That’s a bit on this computer.
I must have it somewhere cause it’s a very popular song.
You raised me up. So your aunt is called Laura?
Yes. She’s.
She’s your favourite auntie?
Yes, yes.
Brilliant, brilliant,
brilliant, brilliant.
Okay, well,
thanks for coming on. What’s your name again?
What’s your name again? Tommy.
Tommy. Tommy,
thanks for coming on and I hope you have an incredible week
and I really appreciate you coming on
and I hope to meet you another time. Tommy.
Yeah. Yes.
Alright then, brother.
Nice one. Yeah.
Bye. Take care.
Bye. Bye.
See you later. Thank you.
See you later. Tommy.
Yeah, take it away, Tommy.
He’s brilliant. And be when you see Auntie Laura,
tell her I said hello. And I’ll be around for a cup of tea soon
probably. Tommy.