Keychain Cleaning and Community Collaborations: A Journey through the Portland Keychain Library

with a little storm and it looks like this thing needs to be cleaned
let’s get to work time to clear off the top
I’ll turn these into keychains
and we’ll just wipe this whole thing down
and good as new let’s get it restocked
we’re gonna start with this Shrek and Mewtwo and ooh
a little can of taco beef
we got some Alfredo sauce and some bread
we got this little monkey and this purple monster and a bunch of flashlights
let’s start there as you may or may not know
the free Portland Keychain Library is here for you to trade keychains
or trinkets that will turn into keychains
this is my favorite kind of community project
because everyone gets to work together to make something really special
people come by every single day who’ve never been here before
and they never know what they’re gonna find
this location is a secret
so you’re gonna have to find it
but there are hints to other locations in my bio
happy hunting everyone see you soon