Restaurant Drama: A Night of Miscommunication and Entree Mishaps

I’m Michelle both the bartender that greeted y’all
and I will be taking care of you tonight
once the lady that you’re with comes back from the restroom
I will go and take your order
no we ain’t gotta wait for her
I’ll just order right now
sure what would you like
we’re gonna share an entre
we’ll do this uh
angel here pasta with the spicy marinara and grilled chicken on top
angel here pasta with spicy marinara and grilled chicken on top
yeah should be alright
I’m gonna go ahead and send that
okay that’ll be out shortly
excuse me what is this
I cannot eat this is there something wrong with it
yeah it’s spicy
I can’t eat spicy I don’t know you
so I didn’t know that and that was the way that it was ordered by
why would you send this out
why would you make the marinara spicy
ma’am that is the way that he ordered it
you ordered it like this you know I can’t handle spicy food
I don’t think it’d be that spicy though
your food should come out the way that you ordered it
so if you ordered something spicy
it should come out with a level of heat to it
you know what it’s okay
you can just go ahead and bring me out another one
just not spicy here baby
you can have this back absolutely
I’m gonna put it on the fly so that it gets out
as soon as possible her food comes out quickly
she gets it and when they’re both finished eating
the bartender comes back over
I’ll take these out of your way
y’all must have loved it cause you both polished these plates off
any dessert for tonight yeah
it was good now we’ll just take the check
here you go just whenever y’all are ready
mm hmm hey
excuse me
why did you double charge me
we didn’t you have the spicy marinara and she had the regular
but I told you we were sharing an entree
yes but you ordered something that you knew she couldn’t eat
so she had to get her own entree
but I told you we were sharing
so I should only have to pay for one
but y’all ordered and ate two whole separate entrees
but if I told you we were sharing
why didn’t you just send her 1/2 the pasta
well if you were supposed to be sharing
and that’s what you really wanted
then why didn’t you send half your pasta back
why would I do that when I knew she couldn’t eat anyway
why would you order it when you knew she couldn’t eat it anyway
I am paying for this I didn’t come here for all that can you split the check