Exploring Three Types of Cameras Beyond Smartphones: An In-depth Look at iPhone Titan Pro, GoPro 9 Black, and GoPro 9 Black Adventures in Zimbabwe

Three types of cameras that we use besides phones, I’ve got three types of cameras. So let me show you my cameras in order. My cameras from 11, iPhone 13 Pro Max. So I’m not stating Pro Max, I mean iPhone Titan Pro, my favorite phone. I don’t like my Max that too big. Okay, guys, so I have moved from all that and then we went to GoPro.

This camera, a lot of been asking which Camilla do you use? So we use this camera. We moved to this camera. I think it was last year around the around November 2023 November. We moved to this from the phone to this type of camera. This type of a camera is very nice and it works so easy. I want to show you of this camera. So weight is sticky, whatever you can call it. It’s a GoPro stand. So you need to buy this GoPro. It’s GoPro 9 Black. It’s a comment.

เอ็มอีเดอะเบสโมคาร์เมนเอลโมไหนที่มีเยอะมิวสิคหวีดอยู่ตลอดเวลากัญชาอันนี้โจลาเองรถไม่ติ่งมันก็จะเปลี่ยนอีสคาร์เมล. Because you cannot move around. It is bigger camera stuff, log, but this one is perfect. So let me show you. So you can put it here.

Tapi dari sushi food also videos ayu akan bocor syukuran jarot apa musim gobo apa musim syarat syarat so gue bro this is the good bro so gw bro. เล็กแล้วก็จะอินสกรีนพระนาปั๊ป. เห็นโอโซอินเนสคลีนพลัสดีไกด์กลีบจะคุยชะอวน. คลินิกเกี่ยวกับวานพี่หนุ่มไปให้ชาอ้วนเดี๋ยวแกให้กับผู้หญิงจะโอนอาร์มี่ชั่วโมงคุณดูนะสู้รูดเดอะคาร์เน่.

Aku masih condong akhir akhir ini udah naker ini mas keen.

Side. I recommend you guys to buy this GoPro in a in a screen both sides so that you can see or watch. Social fandu kami ini 11 iya karena kan butuh kura fone bukan suatu identitas so itu stabilizer karena isu nggak enak nantinya karena kita umumkan subscribe. Someone at Google, Twitter Video.

And this camera is the camera that we used Zimbabwe in. Ladies ye monas izin ke bawah. January, end of January, we’re using this. I’m GoPro is GoPro 9 black. So if you want this camera, I can just Google kind of which you can take a screenshots. Water screen. Woi siapa gugu dan Google iwan. Say what Google ultimately wanna say, then you buy it. You can use edit any phone, kind of what you can use from my video trying to go pro, edit any computer. I’ve been using my computer to edit GoPro videos only to realize that I can also use my phone. So when we went to Zimbabwe, I was with my computer and computer, but now I realize involve rock move on. So I didn’t take my laptop. I just check my cameras and call. So this before we go there to end up on a second camera makes and GoPro look like a joke. So this is a GoPro. This GoPro.