Smart Shopping Strategies: How I Navigated a Weekly Food Budget at Tesco

I am back with another weekly food shop on a budget
I’m really trying to cut down on how much we spend on food each week
over the holidays we were spending around £150 a week
and that is just outrageous
so I’m stripping it right the way back
with the kids being back at school
that is also gonna help because I’m not gonna need as much
like lunch foods
so let’s see what we can do
I have come back to Tesco
I can do scanners I shop
it’s just that little bit easier
it’s closer to me as well
I’ve got stuff to do today
so let’s just get it done
better not forget my bags
I love this shampoo conditioner
and we are running out so let’s get some
we’re also out of deodorant
I started buying these tomatoes
they are slightly more expensive
but my goodness they are so sweet
my husband introduced the kids to Pink Lady and Danny Smith
and now there’s no going back
my husband is a little bit of a fit snob
we really haven’t been the best with our veg over the holidays
so I’m gonna try and do dinner this week that have lots of veg
Scotty Dough potatoes
club carb price for 4 times
I haven’t had one of these in so long
10 chicken drumsticks for only £2 9
it is a great dinner if you just get the plain ones
you can season them however
you like my kids love them
cost of salmon is absolutely killing me
there’s a half a side salmon for £9 20
the whole family loves salmon
but it’s just not an affordable dinner anymore really
I will get Vanessa some smoked salmon
well well
Maggie look at these
air fryer petty
petty Fakita whatever that says
I’m very tempted to give these a try I’m not gonna lie
15 minutes
okay I’m gonna try the air fryer fajita
Maggie seasoning kit
we’ll see how we get home
okay we’re nearly finished
I just have draw some things to get and then I’m done
I’m gonna get the kids a new pack of pens each for when we go away on holiday
I’m trying to put together like
craft bags for the journey down to Glasgow and also the flights
the flights can be four and a half hours
and my kids love crafty like colouring in and drawing and things like that
so my plan is to try and put together like
a little bag each so they’ve got their own stuff
so they don’t have to share
so they don’t start arguing on the plane or the car and yeah
hopefully that’ll keep them entertained
but these pens are only £2 50 for 24
so I think that’s pretty good
right let’s get home
okay I did go a little bit over my budget
but I did pick up those pens for the kids
and I also bought a couple of other bits that I probably didn’t need
but I wanted to get
and it was so blessed to get without the kids
oh my gosh
it was so good anyway
now I just need to get home and get all laid away