A Captivating Moment: Kamala Harris’ Democratic Nomination Acceptance Through the Lens of Todd Heisler

Normally on Fridays I do my good news posts
but after four amazing days of the DNC
I’m gonna guess that you’re going to forgive me
for doing something a little bit different
I’m going to show you this amazing photo
that was taken by Todd Heisler
of Kamala Harris accepting the Democratic nomination
but I want you to go into the comments
and let me know how this photo makes you feel
what does it represent for you
and then I’ll come back
So here’s the photo
By the way that’s Kamala Harris’s grand niece
who’s looking on as Harris accepts the nomination
You know what
actually, I want to see
how this comment section develops
before I come in and tell you what I see in this photo
So I’ll come back later