Isakurajima Update: A Comprehensive Guide to All the Exciting New Features in Power World

Brand new Power World update, Isakurajima update comes out very soon. And here’s every single new thing. First things first, in the northwest side of the entire world, there is a brand new island, the Sakura Jima Island, which has a brand new power boss, four new biomes, a ton of new pals, and overall a bunch of great places to build and it looks just beautiful. Next, as you can see right here, they increase the player level 5. And with this, the pal level has also increased to 55. On top of adding a ton of new things, there’s new armor called plastial and a new material called plastial, which is very hard to get. You’re gonna want a crude oil extractor or do some raids on the new oil rig. There’s a brand new sphere, the Ultimate Sphere, which is slightly better than legendary. There’s a new laser rifle, a cold food box, flamethrower, grenade launcher, gatling gun, a pal disassembly conveyor to disassemble extra house, and a new guided missile launcher, as well as a coal mine in a sulfur mine.

Now that is not all the new items. As you can see, there is also a brand new glass building set, as you can see, by my beautiful glass castle here on the Sakura Jima Island, there is also a completely new raid, Blazama Ryu, which is the new strongest dragon pal in the entire game. There is new events that happen around the map, the main one being a meteor. You’ll just open your map and you’ll see a meteor symbol. And if you’re lucky enough, you can catch it happening live. You’ll watch it fall from the sky. And if you follow where it lands, you can get some really good supplies. And there may even be a special super rare power that you can get from the meteor, considered a space pal. On top of that, every single tower that you’ve done in the game, the old ones like Zoe and grizzle and all the other ones, have a brand new hard mode with more XP and better loop. There is a brand new vendor where you can get tons of cosmetics for your character and cosmetics for your pal because there is the brand new pal dressing facility, as you can see, where you can decorate and dress up your pals with different cosmetics you earn in game and outside the game. There is a new lock picking feature. If you don’t have the required keys for a chest, you could use a lock pick instead and lock. This is especially helpful on the oil rig. As you can see, the total number of pals has been increased that you can hold from just 480 all the way to £960 total, giving you 32 storage pages on your. They also revamped building to make it way more seamless. And instead of tearing down walls and floors and potentially losing your higher floors, we have the brand new pillars which can be used as support. So you don’t have to worry about your base crumbling down.

With the monitoring stand, it is now possible to open up your base and permanently select specific pals to permanently work on one site. If I want my Yarman Tide Ignis to only ever work at this primitive furnace, I can assign him and he will permanently work at this. He won’t slack off. He won’t do other things. He will sleep, eat and work at my furnace.

There are now like little junk yards around the map, and you can hold to grab them. This one is considered a shipwreck. And I, as you can see, I got 3 legendary spheres and a circuit board. So they are definitely worth doing. And as you can see, they are everywhere. I just found another one within 100 feet of the last one. And this drop me some dog coins, which can be traded to the dog coin vendor from earlier on. Top of that, it’s pretty rare to find, but they also added a brand new Random World event where you can steal eggs from monster ness hidden around islands. I’ve yet to see this one in my time playing, but I have heard from other people it is a very rewarding and good event. I will show them all on screen now. They will be cycling through because I’m not gonna break down and show an example of every single one.

But yeah, they added a ton of new skills and abilities also to go on top of our favorite passives like Lucky Artisan, Work Slave, and serious for our working pals, they’ve added a couple brand new passives. I’ll go through all of them. The first one they added is philanthropist, which greatly reduces the time required to produce eggs. The next one is impatient, reduce cooldown on act skills. The next one is infinite stamina, greatly increases the stamina only on mountable pals. Then there is noble how’s with this passive will give you an advantage when trading with merchants. Then there is nocturnal pals with this passive will become nocturnal and will work through the entire night. This is definitely gonna be a big one to replace some working passives because nocturnal seems very good on top of all of this, they added the pal Arena where you can do Pvp with your friends in a 3 v 3 battle type mode with your best pals. I have a whole video on this. So if you haven’t already seen it, follow and open my profile on top of this, in the bottom east side of the map, they’ve added an incredibly dangerous but super worth it loot place called the Oil Rig. This is considered a stronghold and it is recommended you do it with multiple players if possible, but it is also possible solo. As you can see, they just annihilated my detrigon as I was pulling up. If you want an in depth video on all the loop and the best way to do one of these, have a guide and what you can get from these my profile. So make sure you’re following and check that out. So that is everything new. Well, not everything. There’s a lot of stuff for you to discover for yourself. But also I have a ton of guides on new stuff if you want to learn all about the update before it comes out on the 27th. Anyways, guys, more power than for news. Be sure to be following. Bye, guys.