The Quest for the Greatest Video Game of All Time

What’s the best video game of all time?
Assassin’s Creed Revelations. Why?
I like it. I need to know what the best video game of all time is.
Subnautica Valorant. Super Mario 64.
The camera is obviously shit,
but it’s a great game. Twisted Wonderland,
League of Legends. Stardew Valley.
Kingdom Hearts. Why?
Because I love Disney. Disney? Yes.
You’re part of the machine. Yes.
Okay, great.
What’s the best video game of all time?
Um. I like this game.
That’s it? That’s all it takes?
Yes. Okay, fair.
I need to know what the best video game of all time is.
I don’t know. What do you mean you don’t know?
It became a cosplay by door skate tree.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
And that’s a wrap.