Know Your Rights: Dealing with Police at Your Doorstep

What do you do if the police show up at your door?
First off, do not open that door.
You have zero obligation to let them in unless they have a warrant.
If they say they have a warrant,
demand to see it. Don’t take their word for it.
Tell him to slide it through the door
or show it to you through a window.
You have every right to read it thoroughly before doing anything.
Here’s the deal. Don’t answer any of their questions.
Not one. You have the absolute right to remain silent,
and you better use it. Don’t let them trick you into just talking.
You tell them,
I’m not answering any of your questions without my lawyer. Period.
Stand your ground. The police might try to intimidate you,
but don’t stand for it. If they don’t have a warrant,
tell them to leave. Hey,
if things get heated, call your lawyer right away.
Get legal backup. You don’t have to go through this alone.
Remember, you’ll hear him say, Kevs got you covered.