5-Minute Air Fryer Pepperoni Pizza: The Ultimate Toddler Lunch Box Recipe

Pizza you can make in the air fryer in less than 5 minutes.
Count me in. We’re back at it again
using Court’s Power XL air fryer
to make the easiest pizza for your toddler lunch box
with literally just five ingredients.
We need a tortilla, pizza sauce,
mozzarella cheese, pepperoni,
or honestly, any toppings of choice.
But for Lou, she loves pepperoni.
And the secret ingredient that my mother in law actually taught me,
pizza seasoning. In just three minutes,
y’all, look at this
scrum dilly dilly, umptuous pepperoni pizza,
the Fool,
which is now on my list for the easiest recipes for her lunch box.
And of course,
you can check out this recipe on the Courts Cook app today.