Raccoon Attack: A Misunderstood Conversation

Hey, Ninja Turtle,
I’m just calling back about.
Wait, who am I speaking with?
Your voice sounds so familiar.
It’s Karen. Karen,
hey, how are you?
I’m good. I’m sorry,
who is this? You don’t know who this is?
No. Your voice isn’t familiar.
I’m sorry. Karen,
you know who this is? Guess.
Yes. Oh my god.
How are you? Not that good, dude.
I got my test results back.
Oh, honey.
Not good. Can I put you on hold for a brief sec?
Yeah, go ahead.
It’s rabies.
What? I got attacked last night by a raccoon.
No, you did not.
Yeah, I did.
Oh my god. They pinned me down by the trash.
It was scratching me. It was.
It was crazy dumping trash on me.
It was like insane.
Oh my god. Were you.
You weren’t working last night,
were you? Yeah, it was here
you said. This is Kalia.
Yeah. I thought you were done working.
Yeah, I am done.
It was home. Oh,
you were at home? Yeah.
Oh my god! Did you have to get all those shots?
They’re taking my leg.
No, they’re not.
I think they are cause it’s like purple up to the knee.
Oh my god. Yeah,
you gotta stay away from the raccoons.
It’s serious. Oh my god,
that’s scary. You’re talking to the wrong person.
No, I’m not.
This is Karen Spellman, not Karen P.
Yeah, I know.
Oh, and this is Kaliyah.
You just sound different. Well,
I’m in the hospital. Oh,
my god. Just got attacked by a raccoon.
Wouldn’t you sound different?
I guess so. Where’s your dad?
You don’t wanna know, dude.
Oh, my god, honey.