The Victim of Narcissism: Unable to Let Go

No one can hold you anywhere.
He didn’t put you in a cage and say,
I just can’t let you go. I’m sorry.
The victim is me. I just can’t let you go
while I lock you in this cage over here.
I’m the one who’s suffering.
I just. I can’t commit,
but I just can’t let you go.
I’m the victim here.
Stop allowing that to blind you to what’s actually going on.
The story here is not that you have someone who’s so into you.
The story here is
you have someone who can’t make a decision to commit to you.
When that someone says, I just can’t let you go,
that’s all about them. That’s all about them at its extreme form.
That’s narcissism. It’s,
I am prepared to ruin your life
because it’s more comfortable for me to do so.
I just can’t let you go. That’s not about you.
Has nothing to do with you.
It has not. It’s not a generous act.
It’s not about your well being.
It’s not about your happiness.
That’s about him. It’s about his emotions,
his comfort, him being able to have whatever he wants when he wants it.