The Significance of Intellectual Property and Fairness in the WWE: A Reflection on Trust and Generosity

A wise man once said to me,
making money is the toughest part.
Dividing it, that’s easy.
Making it’s real tough. Owning your own name.
Um, WWE still currently owns that,
and they get a piece of any project that you’re a part of.
Sure. Um,
you okay with that, or do you,
like, one day?
Because remember, they just gave DJ Dwayne Johnson.
They just gave him the rock.
He has that now? Yep.
Do you want that? You want that bestowed upon you?
No. What I.
So when you say that, like,
I believe context is. Is the. Okay.
The is very important in conversations.
The WWE Fair is an understatement.
Generous would be a better scenario.
Okay. Um.
I have such a trustworthy relationship with them over over two decades.
Correct. I am a champion of the brand.
I love the company. It is my home.
They are my family. Even after 2025.
I’ve already signed an extension to remain a member of the WWE family
for the near, mid,
and long term future. Got you.
I don’t think there’ll be a beat of my heart
where WWE blood doesn’t come out of.
That said, without them,
I don’t exist. And I fell into a weird scenario where for a hot second,
people were using their real names.
Nowadays, people have real sounding names,
but it’s not their real name.
So they can own their real name.
So I fell into a weird scenario, and WWE recognizes That
they’re very focused on intellectual property,
as they should be. If.
If I make a song
and somebody wants to use the time as now on their commercial
and they just steal it, well,
that’s not exactly fair.
There’s a huge conversation in the movie business
about artificial intelligence.
If someone scans me, takes my face,
and makes 200 movies in their own accord without giving me anything,
I don’t know how fair that is.
So in the. In the vision of fairness,
whenever the WWE IP is approached,
they have to be cut in on the deal.
And that’s not them going,
that’s me going, hey,
I’m doing this. Let’s work out the business, okay?
A wise man once said to me,
making money is the toughest part.
Dividing it, that’s easy.
Making it’s real tough. So I always operate under that construct.
WWE has been, and this since the start of my contract.
They’ve never tried to change my name,
even when they realize they made a mistake.
Like, they never tried to alter my being or character.
They’ve always given me freedom to do what I want
because we trust each other.
Uh huh. I’m not out to.
To try to rob them of what they’ve earned.
And again, they’re not out to try to take what.
What’s not theirs. Everybody wants to play fair. And.
And when I say fair, WWE’s terms are generous.