Review and Taste Test of Mr. Beast’s Burgers: A Culinary Adventure of Fan Favorites

Alright, what’s up guys? Hopefully you can hear me pretty well. Alright, finally today I get to try something that I’ve always wanted to try. And being busy with work, it’s hard to get to try stuff. I really wanna try it. But today is a very special day for me. Can’t say for the ratio, because I get to try something from one of my biggest idols, Mister Beast. I pretty much love everything that this guy does. You know, his videos, his YouTube videos, you know, Mister Peace Gaming, I watch a lot of his videos and he’s always doing cool stuff for everybody. And pretty much a lot of y’all might know he pretty much opened his own restaurant and today I get to try Mr Beasts Burgers. Oh, man, I’ve been looking forward to this. This is just, woof. Look at those fries. Now that’s fries.

Oh, man. Look at that burger. Oof. That’s a nice burger right there, man. Look at that. Oh, my lady. Look at all that cheese, bacon patties. Now, the one I ordered was the Carl, sorry, Mister Bees. You know, I’ll try yours next time, but I’m a for bacon. Sorry. But let’s give it a shot. We’ll try the fries real quick.

I don’t know what season you put on there, but that is, it’s pretty good. Let’s try this better.

That’s a good burger.

Oh, man.

But to aim you guys who haven’t heard about this restaurant, try it. It’s well worth it.

I got triple Patty, but great beggar grapefries. All in all, that’s better than water burger, to be honest with you. Patty is really juicy and the fries, I mean, come on, look at that. You probably can’t see the seasoning, but look at that.

Have water break it down on none about these fries.

I grew up on Waterburger. Of course, everybody knows McDonald’s, but I love auto burger. But this right here, this Tops Water burger. Perfect, 10 out of 10 right there. That’s a good burger. But cool thing is that, look at, these bags are insane. Look at that. Even Waterberger doesn’t have bags like that. It’s crazy. It’s even got the QR code right there. You guys can scan and look at all their food and stuff. They get a lot of food, you know. But up next after this, we’ll hit up some Walmarts, see if I can find me some festivals charge the buyers. Supposedly they’re better than Hershey. So anyways, I’m just being a goofball, being a , but 10 out of 10, solid rating. Burger is good, fries are good, drink is good. Of course, I get Coke, but yeah, it’s pretty awesome. Mister Beast. Y’all have a good day.