Building Trust in Sales: How to Approach Prospects Without Getting Defensive

Give a prospect says, hey,
you know, why should we go with you?
We already have a vendor for that.
Or we already have a company.
You said, why should we go with you?
And you get defensive and you start saying,
well, we’re the number one in the market.
We’re the best at this. We have the best quality,
we have the best service.
You sound like every salesperson’s ever tried to sell them something,
so they get defensive. So instead you wanna, like,
let. Get them to let their guard down.
So you be like, well,
you know, why should we go with you?
Well, maybe you shouldn’t.
You know,
we’d have to know a little bit more about what you’re using now
for XYZ and the results you’re getting from that,
just to see if we could even do something good for you,
because maybe you don’t even need it.
And then I’m gonna build the gap because.
Does a prospect know that you can help them
in the first one minute of a sales call? No.
How much trust and credibility do you have that early on?
Very little. So I have to build that gap to where they want to be,
and then I can be more assertive at that point.