Simple and Delicious: A Quick Dinner with Carrie

Evening, everyone.
No star.
Well, pronounced ah Bon apptit.
Not just or according what time you call it?
It’s 18:20, and I’m gonna just have dinner.
And tonight it’s only for carry,
cause I don’t feel like anything. Guys,
I’ve got a bit of an iffy stomach.
I have. Don’t know why.
Um, all of a sudden I’ve had like,
real funny old pains in my stomach.
As my dear mother used to call a grape pterodactyl.
You know, when you get like,
grapey stomach. So I’m just,
I’m on a diet Sprite. I am just trying to settle my stomach.
So nothing for me for tonight,
and I want to be okay for tomorrow.
So we’re out with friends and family tomorrow,
so I want to be okay. So what we got for Carrie tonight?
Quick and easy, guys,
but very delicious. He’s got one of the little silax chicken kiabs.
Pour the garlic butter over it, obviously.
Then he’s got potato dauphinoise,
also from Little.
These look gorgeous. Actually, I, I,
I was gonna have a, that’s right,
plan to have half of these and,
and half the veg, but I can’t face it tonight.
I think it’s best if I just keep me stomach as it is for tonight.
I gotta say, these look delish.
Really, really gorgeous.
As you can see here.
Then he’s got some
broccoli and green beans. A little melange of them,
which I put some garlic salt in when I cooked It.
So he’s all garliced up tonight.
No vampires to get hairy tonight. No worries.
Here we are.
That’s my ring camera at the back, guys.
So ring, you can hear.
So that’s it. Really quick and easy tonight.
Me on the Sprite. Kelly’s having a couple of samigas.
That’s one of the little ones I had left from when the kids come up.
So that’s it, guys.
Um, I’m gonna have a little.
I’m in the middle of. I’ve just stripped, um.
Stripped my bed. I half stripped it this morning,
and baby was laying on it,
so I stripped the rest. It’s in the washing machine.
I need to go up and do nice,
fresh bedding now for tonight.
And that is Carrie’s lovely dinner.
Chicken Kiev, potato dauphinoise and a melange of vegetables.
Have a lovely, lovely night, guys.
Have a gorgeous sleep, enjoy whatever you’re doing,
and I’ll see you all bright and nearly tomorrow. Night. Night.